Upgrade Your Morning Routine with My Life -Changing Habit

Have you ever heard about this journaling exercise called – Morning Pages?

What are Morning Pages?

Morning Pages involve a stream-of-consciousness style of journaling. You must handwrite three full pages in your journal every morning before engaging in any other activities (the secret). This practice has served as a therapeutic way for me to unload my thoughts and feelings before I do anything else in my day.

I must express my gratitude to Julia Cameron, the visionary behind Morning Pages. This daily ritual, inspired by Cameron’s concept in her book “The Artist’s Way,” has become more than just a routine for me—it’s been a life changing habit for me in my morning routine helping me as I have been on my self-discovery journey.

The Impact on My Life

Morning Pages, for me, is about putting my thoughts on paper, unfiltered and raw, at the beginning of each day. This practice has allowed me to clear my head and reduced my anxiety, so that I can tackle my day ahead. Each morning, as I put pen to paper, I unload my thoughts and feelings that are weighing on my mind. By doing this first thing in the morning before anything else, I create a mental space free from any external influences, forcing me to have a deep connection with myself.

So, what’s in it for you by doing this one simple exercise of morning pages?

Here are my 5 benefits I have experienced:

  1. Healthy Habit:
    • For me, the habit of starting the day with morning pages helps me to replace any negative habits or limiting belief with healthy habits. I noticed I began making additional healthy choices through out my day.
  2. Healing:
    • My experience with morning pages has been healing for me helping me calm my emotions and reduce my anxiety.
  3. Evolution of My Morning Pages Journey:
    • Over time, my morning pages practice has evolved in sync with my personal growth journey.
    • Beyond serving as an emotional release, it has become a space for my creativity, allowing me to visualize my perfect day, dream boldly, and take actions towards my future goals.
  4. Helped with my ADHD:
    • I struggle with ADHD and writing my morning pages has helped me stay focused, motivated, and reduce distractions around me.
  5. Tapping Into My Creativity:
    • Morning pages has helped me to unlock my creative side and curiosity in both my personal and business aspects of my life.

My 13 Tips for Mastering Morning Pages

1. Start journaling!

Don’t wait for tomorrow. Make today the beginning of your routine. Once I added my morning pages to my routine I can’t live with out it now.

2. Grab an accountability partner.

Challenge yourself with a friend or colleague. It helps when you have a buddy to do it. Make the challenge fun to have an accountability partner and also motivates you to keep going.

3. Write pen to paper.

Personally, I prefer pen over pencil. The act of handwriting on paper helps me process thoughts, dreams, and aspirations. I have a deeper connection to my inner self.

4. Avoid distraction.

Dedicate a time in your morning to write. Remove all distractions – phones, computers, tv, people, etc. Create a silent space, free from any potential distractions, to be authentic to yourself.

5. Make it comfortable.

At first it may be uncomfortable, which is totally normal. Over time, your practice will change into a ritual that is comfortable for you. Find a cozy spot, make a cup of tea or coffee, and dedicate this time just for you.

6. Do it first thing!

Morning is the best time for morning pages. Start before you do anything else, even before checking your phone and emails. It may be challenging initially, but it really helps you set a positive tone for your day.

7. NEVER read your morning pages.

The true purpose is to express your thoughts and feelings without any judgment. Avoid revisiting emotional entries; just let your words flow freely to clear your mind for your own creativity.

8. Just be you.

If you are struggle, or going through a funk this a great time to really step into your authentic self. Don’t be afraid to do just that. Write without censorship, whether it’s about your current or past life’s challenges or happiness. The goal is to release any old wounds from the past to help you heal.

9. Throw out all the rules.

Morning pages are a personal sanctuary. There’s no right or wrong way to do it. Forget about grammar and spelling; just let the words flow.

10. Fill up ALL three pages.

Some days, thoughts effortlessly flow, while other days bring writer’s block. It’s okay; everyone encounters it. The key is to keep writing. Push yourself to fill all three pages. Personally, I’ve discovered that this persistence helps release negative thoughts and unleashes the creative flow.

11. Use writing prompts!

Don’t shy away from prompts or guides; they can be incredibly helpful. I offer free resources, here and here.

12. There is no wrong way to write!

Morning pages are a personal journey, unique to each individual. There’s no right or wrong method. Whether it’s a stream of consciousness or a structured sequence of thoughts, just keep writing and fill all three pages.

13. Commit and Show Up for Yourself

The biggest commitment is to yourself. Be disciplined, show up, and make the commitment to write. It’s not always easy, but progress, learning, growth, and even failures are part of the journey. You don’t have to be perfect; just start. Begin one day, write again the next, and within three days, you’ll find a new morning habit, practicing self-care daily.

Morning pages really have become my emotional sanctuary, providing a space for me to release fear, judgment, and shame. This habit, has been a tool guiding me on my own personal journey of self-discovery. Beyond emotional purging, it has served as a canvas for me to explore my future, dreams, and personal growth. Helping me to overcome any of my emotional hurdles, I’ve used my morning pages to unlock my creativity and tap into my curiosity. It certainly takes discipline and commitment. Writing daily has not only fueled my creativity but has also inspired short stories, humor, and motivational quotes. The multifold benefits of this practice have propelled me on a continuous journey of self-improvement.

Happy Writing!


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