Welcome home, “Wild One” this is your new playground for designing the life and business you’ve always dreamed of. Here, I want you to be able to enjoy the freedom to create a brand that’s as wild, fun, and irresistible as you are, and where you can live out your wildest dreams without having to follow a rulebook.

Listen, maybe you are just in this stage of your life where you are transitioning because you have been through a lot, I mean haven’t we all ? Maybe you feel safer following the status quo. Or perhaps, you believe it’s too late to start over?

Escaping the ordinary may seem crazy, but the thought of staying in the same routine doesn’t feel good either, right?

I know it’s hard to see everyone around you living their best life and you are just stuck pondering, what are they doing that I haven’t yet figured out? Yep, that was me too. I feel you. And guess what – it sucks. I am not going to sugar coat this – it’s an awful feeling.

I’ve been the girl who was burnt out and unfulfilled, working a job that no longer aligned with my passions and values, which left me feeling uninspired to be living & building everyone’s dream except mine. I struggled to identify my true wants and desires for my life ahead, and I felt disconnected from who I really was, and confused about why I put here on this earth. I was stuck in the same job, apartment, and daily routine. Until one day, I decided to become the woman who swapped her Hamptons’ summer for a month solo trip in Greece, living my own ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ adventure. I traded my bougie uptown NYC lifestyle to live as a ‘coconut head’ in St. Barth with my dog Bruno for three years. I established an international business serving two Caribbean islands within just six months. I lived as an expat, dated French men, and faced the challenges of learning French.

Through out my journey, several questions came up for me like: What’s next and how do I get to where I want to be? What do I really want? How can I evolve and transform into exactly who I want to be? I knew that I needed to move out of doubt, overwhelm, and financial fear and into living a life of success, confidence, abundance, and creative expression where I would be waking up every day excited for the day ahead and the unknown.

Maybe you are asking yourself all of these questions too. Maybe you don’t really know. Maybe you just want to give yourself the freedom to take the unconventional path and figure it out as you go. If any of these resonate with you, I want to tell you that it’s okay. It’s all part of the process.

As I look back today, there were times when I really lacked a clear direction and clarity of what I wanted and until I really knew this I couldn’t really evolve and transform. It’s been a process, but my goal is to help you get there faster than I did.

Consider this: What if you looked at stepping into the unknown and saw it as an opportunity rather than a threat? Think about the times in your life when you’ve taken risks, faced the unknown, and come out better for it. Maybe you have failed but I’m sure you also learned a lot as well.

Can you use those experiences in your life so far as evidence that you are actually capable of handling whatever comes your way, and that you 100 percent can turn any situation that you are facing or possibly will face as a stepping stone towards your success?

Failure is not fun, but you do have to learn to treat it as your friend if you want to grow and evolve. It all starts with being comfortable in your own skin or at least learning to be, so that you can step out of your comfort zone to level up. There is just no way around it because you can say to yourself over and over, “I want to do this”, but until you take action it just doesn’t happen.

I see it this way: Is it possible that the uncertainty of ‘what’s next’ is actually a door to endless possibilities & opportunities? You don’t know what you don’t know, right? You never know until you try. Could your own journey & path that you are on right now just be a time before you have your big breakthrough? What if it is your unique & one-of-a-kind path that each of us must take? I have come to understand that the key to our opportunities lies in our own hands. It is up to us if we are going to make it exciting, wildly fun, and liberating, rather than just suck the soul right out of us and make it daunting.

What if your doubt and overwhelm are not setbacks but just indicators of growth? Maybe it’s your gut telling you something, maybe it’s a sign that you’re really going to be stepping out of your comfort zone and moving towards success, confidence, and abundance?

Could your financial fears be a motivator for you to innovate and find creative solutions, rather than treating it as a roadblock? I really believe that as you shift your mindset to serve your growth and progress, you look back every day and see how far you have come. There is no rush or deadline. I think when we step into who we really are and are meant to be then it’s going to involve doing something we have never done before. For the first time I have put myself into masterminds that have challenged and scared at the same time me because I need to learn it from somebody who has already done it to get to where I want to be. It’s not like you can just snap your fingers and the new you is in front of you, although I think we all would love that, right? I look at this way: If you are not challenging your own limits then you have no right to judge. However, you must know that you are certainly capable of taking any obstacles that are in your way right now and turn them into an opportunity for you to succeed.

Now are you ready to Dive into the wild, ‘Wild One?

Earlier this year, I made a big decision to pivot. My gut and heart both agreed it was time for a bold change. I’ll be honest with you: ‘The Wild Soulpreneur’ wasn’t born overnight. It has been a part of my own evolution and came from my own self-discovery journey. Transformation takes time, and I understand if you’re craving a roadmap to break free and live a life that genuinely lights you up.

I have a deep desire to help women who are free-spirited, creative, and unapologetically wild, who challenge the status quo and ready live life on their own terms because that once was me. I understand the pain and heartbreak that it takes through out your process of becoming a version of you that only you love.

Women who are not afraid to speak their mind, enjoy having fun, love to travel, are artistic, adventurous, and dream big. They live life on the edge, ready to face failure, and are eager to lead a life that truly fulfills them.

Today, I am a retired party gal who has traded her bougie lifestyle to be a free-spirited, globe-trotting soulopreneur, mentor, and coach. I founded ‘The Wild Soulpreneur’, an innovative and holistic approach for you to build soul, not hustle.

I know what it feels like to be stuck, trapped and craving a life that feels real to you. The truth is the fear of it all was what was actually holding me back until I finally took my first leap of faith. Now, let me ask you, are you ready to shake things up? If you’re shouting ‘hell yeah’, then come on in! Your wild side is welcome here.

What does your future version of you look like? Are you ready to step into your power and live out your wildest dreams? Let’s explore what your definition of transformation looks like when you find a deeper connection with yourself.

I’m thrilled to help you be a free spirit while you build your soul aligned obsession worthy brand!

Let’s start discovering who you are, shall we?

THIS WEEK’S WILD SECRET: How do you get paid for being you? How do you know when to start? Press play to find out. Apple or Spotify When you Join my weekly wild secrets email you can steal my tools & strategies giving you clarity while you confidently share your unique gifts and individual voice with your perfect people.

GIVEAWAY: When you write a review, screenshot it and send me a copy of it to my DM your name will go in a drawing to have a 1 hour free mentorship session with me. I will be giving one away each week. Apple or Spotify They make a huge difference & help the podcast grow!

NEW: I’m taking on one client who needs help in building a soul-aligned business. Are you a creative woman, either an established solopreneur or aspiring to be one? DM me  if you’re interested in chatting about my VIP 1:1 Personalized Creative Soulopreneur Coaching program to see if we’re a good fit for each other.

Tag me on social media @thewildsoulopreneur if you post this blog or episode and tell me what resonated the most with you. Want to chat more about this episode? Send me a DM. I


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