“My 3 Step Formula for Self Love” episode I talk about hitting rock bottom and how it changed my perspective on self-care, leading me to create my own steps to loving myself, take back control of my health and wellness, and develop my own unique expression of authenticity. Every single day I show up as the real me because I know that no other person’s journey is mine alone or more importantly belongs to all that is pure inside me while struggling with the fear of being myself. This episode consists of tips on how you can prioritize yourself and begin rewriting your story with love and confidence. Now available on Apple & Spotify.

One major thing I’ve learned on my journey to self-love is not to let others’ opinions define who I am. Each day I work towards living authentically which has taught me that your approval isn’t necessary in making decisions about how I live my life. It is very clear to me that this process is the creation of who I truly am meant to be.

The best decision I have ever made concerning myself in life was investing in myself. In fact, it remains among the highest ROI one can experience for oneself- personally, professionally, emotionally, etc. Time flies so fast and life too short not endeavoring towards your maximum potential by becoming what you are born to be during your brief stay here on earth.

Self-care is often not prioritized as daily life’s demands take precedence in the world we live in. This is a struggle I know too well. I was drained and depleted amidst the hustle and bustle of New York City, neglecting myself while pursuing success. It took reaching rock bottom for me to understand that self-love was paramount and start my personal journey of recovery towards happiness.

Like many others, I thought self-care was something that you indulge in once in a while when you have extra time on your hands; it was not part of one’s overall wellbeing regime. As a result, this mindset led to burnouts and left me feeling unfulfilled. However, there came an instant when everything just became clear. I realized that self-care did not mean selfishness but rather it is vital for a satisfying existence.


Step 1: Commitment – Replacing Guilt with Self-Compassion

It changed my life to begin to love myself. It meant letting go of guilt and making myself a priority without apologies. Learning how to set boundaries and assertively express “NO” were empowering acts that affirmed my worth and needs. Realizing that self-care is essential rather than selfish changed my viewpoint by replacing guilt with confidence and respect for oneself. Despite the initial discomfort, I realized that nurturing my well-being is vital for overall happiness.

Step 2: Curiosity – Exploring & Learning

Like a journey into my own self, I discovered how curiosity was unfolding it in my life. My search for passion led me to dig deep within myself and reignite what truly made me happy. Journaling turned out to be a powerful tool for introspection which helped me connect with the true yearnings of my heart. It was in this process that I felt liberated and empowered, taking part on activities that resonated with the real me.

Step 3: Authenticity – Embracing the “Me” I Found

Ultimately, living authentically became my ultimate expression of self-love and acceptance. That meant defying societal conventions and embracing the unique traits others may deem as eccentric. In releasing the need for approval from others, I could have found myself in place where no one could determine my pace or stand up against me on issues concerning personal desires. Being authentic was tough at times; it took bravery and resilience. But every time I took a step towards being authentic, I experienced great freedom and empowerment within myself. Listening to my inner compass helped me find meaning and satisfaction beyond society’s expectations about what is expected of each individual. Presently, genuineness guides me right into a pursuit for joy filled existence like none other you will ever find on earth as well as complete self-acceptance always standing by your side.

Here are some practical tips that helped me to overcome guilt when I started to prioritize self-care:

  • Identify your needs and prioritize self-care in your daily routine.
  • Set boundaries to protect your time and energy, and don’t be afraid to say “no” when necessary.
  • Reframe negative beliefs about self-care and recognize its importance for your overall well-being.
  • Plan ahead and make self-care a consistent part of your life.
  • Surround yourself with supportive individuals who understand the value of self-love and encourage your journey.

Self-love is neither here nor there but an ongoing process that goes throughout our lives until we die.Nobody can rewrite your story with love and confidence if you don’t first commit yourself, embrace curiosity-the driving force of discovery- and live authentically!

Now, it’s your opportunity to begin living, learning, growing and thriving to becoming the best version of yourself like I have been doing.

Challenge Yourself to Begin Changing Your Story in 7 Days: HOW TO REWRITE YOUR STORY WITH LOVE & CONFIDENCE


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