Red Flag Checklist: Are You Ready to Quit Your 9-5 Job?

Signs of hustle culture, burnout & dissatisfaction:

  • Difficulty disconnecting from work, feeling constantly “on”
  • Ever-growing to-do list
  • Reliance on working overtime regularly
  • Comparing yourself to others’ perceived success on social media
  • Physical symptoms like insomnia, fatigue, headaches
  • Emotional symptoms like loss of motivation, anxiety, irritability
  • Cognitive symptoms like decreased creativity, difficulty concentrating
  • Prioritizing productivity over work-life balance
  • Feeling pressured to constantly “hustle”
  • Sense of always being behind despite long hours
  • Tying success and happiness to constant productivity
  • Belief that your worth is solely defined by your work and achievements
  • Lack of independence and reliance on work for identity/self-worth
  • Inability to enjoy personal time without guilt about not being “productive”

These might just be the signs that you are ready to escape the hustle and start building your own dreams.

Trends in 2023 reveal an increase in women leaving their regular office jobs due to a desire for better pay, less stress, improved work-life balance, and flexible work hours, fueled by concerns about burnout, mental health, and lack of career advancement opportunities.

Research shows a significant change in how women feel about work these days. Many are leaving their 9-5 corporate jobs because of burnout wanting more flexibility, and dissatisfaction with office culture. This shift is mainly because of higher stress levels, no control over when and where they work, and a desire for a better balance between work and personal life.

  • Women are 32% more likely to feel burnout than men.
  • Top reasons women are leaving office jobs include wanting more flexibility (41%), disliking office culture (35%), lack of promotion opportunities (34%), stress (33%), and pursuing their passion (32%)
  • Over half (56%) of solo business owners started their businesses after 2020 due to the pandemic and rising costs, highlighting a recent trend of women leaving traditional jobs.
  • Other key reasons women are considering leaving their jobs include better salary at a new job (52%), less stress (51%), and improved work-life balance (48%).
  • Work-life balance was the main reason for job change in the past year (45%), beating out career growth and better salary.
  • Gallup’s research found that while men have become less burned out as bosses force workers to return to pre-pandemic norms, women are still feeling drained. 33% of employed women say they experience burnout very often or always, compared to 25% of men.
  • The burnout gap between men and women has widened from 3 percentage points in 2019 to 13 percentage points in 2023.
  • Around 70% of women cite greater work-life balance and personal well-being as the reason why they’d change jobs, compared with 58% of men. Work-life balance is the top reason women would take another job, more important than a big salary boost or job title.

It was 2019, I was working non-stop, living in the hustle of NYC, which caused stress, dissatisfaction, and a lack of fulfillment in my life. If you’ve been in a similar situation or are experiencing it today, you’ll understand that achievements don’t always bring happiness. That’s why I decided to focus on what truly matters to me.

I left my upscale uptown NYC life 4 years ago (after burnout, divorce, and depression) to be a “coconut head” in SBH with my dog Bruno , challenging myself and channeling my “woo woo.”

I am a free-spirited, globetrotting “soulpreneur” passionate about combining reinvention, holistic practices, innovation, and creativity. My goal is to help women find fulfillment both professionally and personally, and to empower them to confidently pursue their desires.

Why I and other women are leaving the hustle:

  1. Health Concerns: Myself and many women find that the hustle lifestyle leads to burnout and health issues. This way of life is increasingly hard to maintain.
  2. Balance: We value personal time, relationships, and quality of life over continuous work and career growth.
  3. Rejecting Perfection: We are stepping away from the unrealistic expectation of continuous ambition and achievement.
  4. Recognizing Inequality: Hustle culture tends to favor specific types of work, often leaving out less privileged groups. Many are challenging this view.
  5. Prioritizing Calm: We are focusing more on mindfulness, rest, and enjoying the present, moving away from a damaging “always-on” mindset.
  6. Personal Realization: I personally did not want to continue to spend the rest of my life building and living someone else’s dream.

Remember, don’t ever think your life can’t change. You are always one decision away from a wildly different life. So, just do the thing you want to do already. Never feel guilty about having your own freedom and independence. “Do more of what you love every day.” Make sure your life is true to who you are.

Don’t know how to stop building everyone else’s dreams & start going all in on you?

Identifying signs you’re caught in the hustle, questions to consider if you’re thinking of leaving, steps you can follow, & a visualization practice.

What I’ve learned and gained from pursuing a life centered on soul rather than hustle culture:

  1. Fulfillment over Financial Gain: Although I earn less than I used to, I’ve found greater fulfillment by making a significant shift in my life. To me, life is too short to spend in an office that holds no meaning beyond a paycheck and building someone else’s dream.
  2. Contentment over Constant Goal-Chasing: I’ve stopped relentlessly chasing goals without taking time to enjoy the present. I find happiness in contentment with life as it is, rather than constantly seeking change.
  3. Mindful Work Approach: I’ve adopted a work approach that aligns with my needs and my holistic lifestyle. This doesn’t mean abandoning growth, but finding a balanced definition of success. It’s about pursuing what truly satisfies me, not just external achievements.
  4. Creating My Own Definition of Success: This shift has led me to develop my own version of success, focusing on what’s important to me, and avoiding the trap of constantly striving for the next goal without appreciating the present.
  5. Adopting a Holistic and Conscious Approach: This change in my life forced me to adopt a holistic and conscious approach. I no longer live in the city and now have no desire to move back to a big city. I am truly enjoying the slower pace of life, starting with traveling and getting certified in yoga, and moving to the Caribbean for three years.
  6. Physical and Mental Health: When I lived in NYC, I was always on the go. My body didn’t know how to slow down, but it was a change that was necessary for my physical and mental health. This lifestyle shift has allowed me to live life on my own terms, not being afraid to be true to myself, and focus more on what matters to me. I’ve learned the importance of contentment, living in the present, and defining success in my own terms.
  7. Making a Difference : Changing the world by doing what I love.Helping women live out their purpose and find fulfillment gives me inspiration every day. I love that I can offer my gifts and an innovative and holistic approach towards guiding women to building a soul-aligned brand that represents who they are, inside and out.
  8. Living a Life You Love: Designing a business that reflects my values, who I am and building a life that that brings me the fulfillment I know I deserve and worth of every day.


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