Thinking about Living a Life You Love? You may wonder, “What’s my real purpose? How can I find a career that fits my passions and values?”

“Living a life you love” means creating a life full of happiness and fulfillment. It’s about following your heart and going after what you really love to do every day. It’s about intentionally creating a life that matches your true self, not just doing things without thought or trying to meet what others expect of you.

What brings happiness varies from person to person. Some love adventure, some are fulfilled by career success, and others find joy in helping others, like teaching or coaching.

But what about the term “love”? If you love your life, what does that mean? Does it mean you cherish every day, even the hard ones like when you lose your job or when a loved one passes away? It seems difficult and perhaps unrealistic to love these days too.

But we all know that tough days are part of life. So how do these days fit into a life that you love?

These are my 3 steps to live a life you love everyday.



  1. Find out what you like: Discover what makes you happy and excited every day. This could be about hobbies, your work, or people.
  2. Take time to reflect: Consider how you’re making a difference currently and make a plan for what you want to do more of in the future.
  3. Don’t be afraid to ask for your help: It’s okay to ask for assistance during your self-learning phase.
  4. Identify your core values and priorities: Align your life and career with these values. Define what success means to you, and take small steps to align your life goals with your passions.
  5. Avoid comparing yourself to others: Be patient with yourself, and focus on your personal growth instead of trying to complaining what others have that you don’t. It’s so important to forgive & love yourself, so that you can begin to let go of your past.
  6. Surround yourself with good vibes and find inspiration. Think about people you admire and why you like them. Do they have qualities or values you relate to? Spend time with people who support and inspire you.


  1. Focus on one thing at a time
  2. Welcome Change with Open Arms: Think of life changes as chances to learn and get better. Let these changes inspire you to become tougher and help you grow as a person. Leaving behind old habits or thoughts that stop you from moving forward can make you more productive and help you grow.
  3. Prioritize Your Health: Put your health first by changing habits if needed. Doing things that are good for your body and mind can help you feel better overall.
  4. Mindfulness: Stay in the moment to be mindful. Doing meditation every day and being thankful for the good stuff can make you feel more steady and help you look at things more positively.
  5. Morning Routine: Establish your own morning routine to start every day in a good mood. Starting your day this way can make you feel better overall, helping you get more done and feel good.


  1. Make a List: Jot down things that make you happy and things that tire you. This helps you know what you want more in life and what to steer clear of. If necessary, think about seeking advice from a professional such as a therapist, guide, or coach.
  2. Have a Life Outside of Work: Maintain a healthy balance in life, instead of focusing solely on work. This might include moving to a quieter place or activities like yoga. Engage in things you enjoy that make you happy. Make choices that align with your values and this will bring about more joy and add purpose to your life.
  3. Embracing Vulnerability and Growth: Seek personal growth by trying new things, taking risks, and stepping out of your comfort zone. Treat all feelings, whether positive or negative, with kindness towards yourself.

What does living a life you love mean to you? Is it about one of these or all three?

✔ More Time and Money: Quitting your 9-5, or taking your business to the next level? Stepping into the freedom you’ve always wanted & working with your dream clients?

✔ Living a Life You Love: Designing your business to reflect your values, who you are and building a life that that brings you the fulfillment you deserve?

✔ Making a Difference: Maybe it’s about changing the world by doing what you love?

Here are some journal prompts for imagining a life beyond your wildest dreams:

  • Where do you want to live: a bustling city, tranquil countryside, or beach town?
  • What is your daily routine: pursuing a dream job, passion, or new hobbies?
  • What does your home look and feel like: a cosy apartment adorned with books and art, or a spacious house with a lush garden?
  • Who lives with you: family, children, friends, or loved ones? How are your relationships?
  • How do you dress: comfortable and casual, or professional and stylish?
  • What are your daily activities & hobbies: work-focused, exploring, exercises, yoga, hiking, sports, writing, meditation, reading, running, or time with loved ones?
  • What are your feelings about your future for your wildly different life: what brings happiness, excitement, or satisfaction?
  • If you were to take steps towards this future: what changes do you need to make?
  • How does the image or idea you have of your future self guide & motivate you to take actions towards achieving your goals?
  • How do your thoughts and feelings help you understand your image of a wildly different life?

Think about how you would feel at the end of a day knowing you had fully utilized every opportunity that came your way. Keep that feeling in mind as you plan your life. Write down your feelings, actions, and goals for the seven main parts of your life. Next, determine the first step you can take to align your life with your plan.

Remember, “living a life you love” involves three steps: being curious, being mindful, and being intentional. Being curious helps you learn more about yourself, your interests, and what makes you happy. Being mindful means living in the moment, letting go of old habits, and welcoming change to grow as a person. Lastly, being intentional means making sure what you do matches your values and helps you be happier. It’s all about making your own way in life, one that makes you feel fulfilled and true to yourself. So, be curious, be mindful and be intentional when you are creating a life you love. 

THIS WEEK’S WILD SECRET: Are you curious about the secret behind the natural beauty and confidence of French women? I am sharing some simple steps I picked up while living in St. Barth.  JOIN my weekly wild secret where I dive deeper for wild soulopreneurs, providing valuable tips for the creative and free-spirited women who are building soul obsession-worthy brands.

It’s official I am now taking 1:1 clients through my Conscious Coach Container. I know the feeling of wanting more from life and not knowing where to start. I want to help YOU turn your dreams of a freedom lifestyle into a reality faster. Join me and let’s discover who you are. APPLY HERE

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